Other videos I mentioned:
Anki Flashcard Basics: https://youtu.be/7K2StK7e3ww
Group Studying, How I wish I used to Study in College: https://youtu.be/1JqFJdptTto
Memorization tips and tricks: https://youtu.be/GcN4LcjLFd4
Test Taking Tips: https://youtu.be/S0bZjGlAsjc
The four steps are as follows:
1. Write the concept down
2. Explain it using simple language
3. Address (look up) problematic areas or questions that remain
4. Challenge yourself to simplify it further
I have found this to be a powerful concept that helps you cut study time shortly. I like mixing it up and adding group studying, which worked well for me. As always, figure out what works best for you!
Music: https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired/alone
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