
Scientists have uncovered a biological mechanism through which vitamin D can change the course of melanoma. They found that vitamin D influences a signaling pathway inside melanoma cells that helps them to thrive. Share on PinterestNew research finds a novel mechanism that could explain melanoma. The researchers suggest that reducing the activity of the pathway
New research argues that melanoma can start not only in the skin, but also inside hair follicles. When they become cancerous, the cells then leave the follicles and move into the skin’s outermost layer, or epidermis. Share on PinterestNew research suggests that melanoma could originate in hair follicles, shown here. The scientists demonstrated this effect
A diagnosis of ovarian cancer can be frightening or overwhelming. Prognosis provides a general picture, though the outlook depends on individual factors. The prognosis of ovarian cancer depends on the stage and factors such as the person’s age and general health. This article will describe the stages of ovarian cancer, treatment options, and survival rates.
Itchy breasts are a common occurrence, but if there is no rash, the cause may be difficult to pinpoint. Various conditions, including yeast infections, eczema, and psoriasis, often cause itching, but they also produce a rash. There are several reasons why the breasts may feel itchy without an accompanying rash, however. Although most causes are
Inflammatory breast cancer is a rare form of breast cancer. It is often an extremely aggressive cancer that can grow and spread quickly, sometimes within days. According to the National Cancer Institute, inflammatory breast cancer only accounts for 1–5% of all cases of breast cancer that doctors diagnose in the United States. Keep reading to
Ewing sarcoma is a form of bone cancer that usually affects children and adolescents. Ewing sarcoma can be very aggressive, but the cells tend to respond well to radiation therapy. Ideally, doctors will diagnose the cancer before it has spread. According to the National Library of Medicine, an estimated 250 children in the United States
The anus usually consists of soft tissue. However, this tissue can become hard due to infections and other medical conditions, many of which range in severity. When this happens, it may feel as though there is a hard lump in the area. The anus is the opening at the lower part of the digestive tract,
Male breast cancer is a relatively rare disease. For this reason, very few studies have evaluated the factors that have associations with better outcomes. A fresh investigation begins to fill this gap. Male breast cancer is rare but understudied. Male breast cancer (MBC) accounts for just 1% of all breast cancer cases. However, some scientists
Research has already linked indoor tanning to an increased risk of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma — a type of skin cancer. However, until now, scientists did not know how the frequency and duration of use affect the risk. A recent study investigates indoor tanning and squamous cell carcinoma risk. Globally, cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)
Helping people with cancer to stop smoking is vital because quitting improves health outcomes significantly. A recent study finds that nearly 46% of people with cancer quit smoking through a tailored tobacco treatment program. A recent study assesses a smoking intervention for people with cancer. It is no secret that smoking is bad for health
People who notice penile discharge may worry that they have a sexually transmitted disease (STD). However, STDs are not the only possible cause of discharge from the penis. The penis may secrete discharge for several reasons. If it is likely that penile discharge is due to an STD, then it is important to seek treatment.
The safety and long term health effects of using electronic cigarettes or other vaping products are still not well known. In September 2019, federal and state health authorities began investigating an outbreak of a severe lung disease associated with e-cigarettes and other vaping products. We are closely monitoring the situation and will update our content
Unexplained weight loss occurs when people lose weight without changing their diet or exercise routine. Most people are very aware of the dangerous consequences of weight gain, and many articles focus on ways to lose weight. However, unintended weight loss can also jeopardize a person’s health or indicate an underlying medical condition. People may gain